Clasa VII
Present Perfect Simple with Mr Bean – Spring Clean
Limba engleză Autor: prof. Vulpe Mihaela Present Perfect Simple with Mr Bean Anexe Present Perfect Simple with Mr Bean (19 kB)
Limba engleză Autor: prof. Vulpe Mihaela Present Perfect Simple with Mr Bean Anexe Present Perfect Simple with Mr Bean (19 kB)
Limba engleză Autor: prof. Vizsuly Tünde Fisa de identificare_Letter_of_application Specific vocabulary for letters of application Anexe Fisa de identificare_Letter_of_application (127 kB)Specific vocabulary for letters of application (30 kB)
Limba engleză Autor: prof. Vizsuly Tünde Fisa de identificare _Patagonia_descriptive_vocab Patagonia_descriptive_vocabulary Anexe Fisa de identificare _Patagonia_descriptive_vocab (129 kB)Patagonia_descriptive_vocabulary (33 kB)
Autor: prof. Vizsuly Tünde Describing places, completare eseu Anexe Describing places, completare eseu (131 kB)Describing places_completare_eseu (248 kB)
Köllő Zsolt Ágoston, Majos Andrea Aranka biologia erettsegi.megoldva (1) Anexe biologia erettsegi.megoldva (1) (2 MB)
Nagy Mónika fotoszintezis munkalap fotoszintezis lecketerv1 fotoszintezis lecketerv2 Anexe fotoszintezis munkalap (608 kB)fotoszintezis lecketerv1 (16 kB)fotoszintezis lecketerv2 (19 kB)
Autor: Kőmíves Noémi Tanulasi_egyseg_tervezete_Fanni_hagyomanyai_Komives_Noemi Anexe Tanulasi_egyseg_tervezete_Fanni_hagyomanyai_Komives_Noemi (249 kB)
Autor: Karda Ádám Anexe Titlu- Propunere subiect si barem de evaluare pentru olimpiada_clasa IX_ Disciplina-Geografie_ Autor-Karda Ádám (2 MB)Titlu- Propunere subiect si barem de evaluare pentru olimpiada_clasa X_ Disciplina-Geografie_ Autor-Becsek Éva (779 kB)Titlu- Propunere subiect si barem de evaluare pentru olimpiada_clasa XI_ Disciplina-Geografie_ Autor-Karda Ádám (2 MB)